The versatility of Spazio Lineapelle allowed the designer to create an evocative event of the highest visual quality based on the video mapping technique.


In the context of the second edition of Questione di Pelle, designer Cristiano Burani presented the REBIRTH project dedicated to the Fall – Winter 2022-2023 season at Spazio Lineapelle on 26 February 2022. He did so. He explains, “talking about our aesthetics and leather in an innovative language, creating a fashion movie that speaks of Italian style, colour, research, good taste, experimentation and usability. I believe that there is no other material as ductile, sustainable and evergreen as real leather, in which even manufacturing waste can become decorative elements’. The versatility of Spazio Lineapelle allowed him to effectively decline these objectives, creating an evocative event of great emotional impact and very high creative and visual quality.


To present REBIRTH, Cristiano Burani used Spazio Lineapelle as a video mapping project’s exhibition and logistical hub. This is an evolved projection technique that uses any surface as a screen, transforming it into an unprecedented and dynamic display on which to project images, videos, plays of light, and animations that, in this way, enter into a relationship with the architecture on which they are displayed. The projection of REBIRTH, therefore, took place on the façades of the Milan buildings that overlook Piazza Tomasi di Lampedusa, home of Spazio Lineapelle. Burani’s fashion suggestions were thus superimposed on the modernity of their architectural lines and the historicity of the Roman ruins surrounding the square.

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